Class ParameterDataAccessBase
This is used to defines how data is sampled or interpolated and obtained from SQL Race.
The ParameterDataAccess
and RemoteParameterDataAccess
object is created by calling the
Session.CreateParameterDataAccess(parameterIdentifier) method and
is associated with both the session and a Parameter. More than one ParameterDataAccess
object can exist within a session as each can used to retrieve the parameter data.
A ParameterDataAccess
object can be created to retrieve data from all the
Channel within Parameter
or for data from specific Channel.
Methods on the ParameterDataAccess
object allow you to:
- Move to specific point in time
- Set the sample time
- Read subsampled data
- Read interpolated data
- Read the actual sample values
Follow the below best practices:
- Opening a PDA uses up memory until the session is closed and disposed. It is best to open a PDA for a parameter once and cache it. Then you can reuse it throughout the session. An example of when this is particularly useful is when iterating through laps. It is better to open each PDA once than to open and dispose of them inside the lap iteration.
- Calls to a PDA are not thread safe. If you are wanting to access data using the same Parameter in different threads, it is better to consider opening a small pool of PDAs for the threads to use. You have to be extra careful when using method that require the PDA's current position to ensure that it is only being used by one thread.
class to read subsampled data
across all channels for a parameter:
// Local database connection string and session key for data already recorded
string connectionString = @"Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=SQLRACE01;Integrated Security=SSPI";
SessionKey sessionKey = new Guid("7DD05707-EAA2-4A36-BB8A-E2327AA52BFC");
// Initialise
SessionManager sessionManager = SessionManager.CreateSessionManager();
// Create storage for output values
double[] data = new double[10];
DataStatusType[] status = new DataStatusType[10];
// Load existing session
Session session = sessionManager.Load(sessionKey, connectionString);
// Use PDA to get subsampled data across all channels in parameter: ParameterId
using(ParameterDataAccessBase pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess("ParameterId"))
// Go to 0:00:01am
// Set sample time to 500Hz ~ 2000000ns
pda.SampleTime = 2000000;
// Get 10 samples, use first sample, do not interpolate
var parameterValues = pda.GetNextData(10, SampleModeType.First);
// Print data and status to console window
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Data: {0}, Status: {1}", parameterValues.Data[i], parameterValues.DataStatus[i]);
// Always close the session
Simple example of opening a PDA setting the read cursor to the start of the session and reading the first 1000 samples. Then disposing the pda.
using (var pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess(parameterIdentifer))
var samples = pda.GetNextData(1000);
An example of using a PDA cache to reuse pdas to the access data of one session and then closing the session
// Open and cache PDA
ParameterDataAccessBase pda;
if (pdaCache.ContainsKey(parameterIdentifer))
pda = pdaCache[parameterIdentifer];
pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess(parameterIdentifer);
pdaCache[parameterIdentifer] = pda;
... Do work using PDA ...
// Before disposing of the session we want to remember to dispose the pdas openned.
foreach (var parameterDataAccessBase in pdaCache)
Namespace: MESL.SqlRace.Domain
Assembly: MESL.SqlRace.Domain.dll
public abstract class ParameterDataAccessBase : Object, IParameterDataAccess, IDisposable
The current position for the PDA.
protected Nullable<long> CurrentPosition
Field Value
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<System.Int64> |
Default sample time.
protected const int DefaultSampleTime = 10000000
Field Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
The sample size cap
public const int SampleSizeCap = 10000
Field Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
Gets the coverage cursor for the PDA.
public abstract long CoverageCursor { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Int64 |
Gets the current position.
public Nullable<long> CurrentTime { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<System.Int64> | The current timestamp for the PDA. |
Gets a count of changes made to the data of any channel used by the PDA.
public abstract int DataChangedCounter { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
Gets the overall time range of requests to the PDA (i.e. from minimum requested start time maximum requested end time).
public Nullable<TimeRange> DemandTimerange { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<TimeRange> |
The ErrorDefinition that contains this PDA's ParameterIdentifier as the Current or Logged Identifier
public ErrorDefinition ErrorDefinition { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
ErrorDefinition |
Gets a value indicating whether this ParameterDataAccessBase is invalid.
public bool Invalid { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
Gets or sets the parameter identifier.
public string ParameterIdentifier { get; protected set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String | The parameter identifier. |
Gets or sets the sample time (in nanoseconds) for the data. This value will only affect requests to get data (using the GetNextData method ) and will not affect calls to get samples (using the GetNextSamples/GetSamplesUntil methods).
public long SampleTime { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Int64 |
This time is the interval between data samples. For example: 1,000,000 ns = 1000Hz 10,000,000 ns = 100Hz 100,000,000 ns = 10Hz 1,000,000,000 ns = 1Hz If this value is not set then the default sample time is 100Hz (10,000,000 ns).
Gets or sets the session.
public SessionBase Session { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
SessionBase | The session. |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to use subsampled channels if available. Default value is True.
public bool UseSubSampledChannels { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
Assigns the error definition.
public virtual void AssignErrorDefinition(ErrorDefinition errorDefinition)
Type | Name | Description |
ErrorDefinition | errorDefinition | The error definition. |
Cancel/Abort Any Searches
public abstract void CancelSearch()
Contains(Int64, Int64, MatchingRule, Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<Int32>)
Does this PDA's data contain a value
public abstract bool Contains(long startAt, long endAt, MatchingRule rule, double value, Nullable<double> upperValue, Nullable<int> timespan)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | startAt | Seach Start Position |
System.Int64 | endAt | Search End Position |
MatchingRule | rule | Comparison operator |
System.Double | value | Value to Search For |
System.Nullable<System.Double> | upperValue | Upper Value - used when using the Between Operator |
System.Nullable<System.Int32> | timespan | Period of time the condition must be met for |
Type | Description |
System.Boolean | Was the ValueFound |
Contains(Int64, Int64, MatchingRule, String, Nullable<Int32>)
Does this PDA's data contain a value
public abstract bool Contains(long startAt, long endAt, MatchingRule rule, string value, Nullable<int> timespan)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | startAt | Seach Start Position |
System.Int64 | endAt | Search End Position |
MatchingRule | rule | Comparison operator |
System.String | value | Value to Search For |
System.Nullable<System.Int32> | timespan | Period of time the condition must be met for |
Type | Description |
System.Boolean | Was the ValueFound |
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. Implement IDisposable to allow the PDA to be used within the using statement.
public void Dispose()
Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources.
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Boolean | disposing |
GetData(Int64[], SampleModeType, Boolean, ParameterValuesTemplate)
Gets the sampled data values and MAT.OCS.Core.DataStatusType from the requested timestamps and sample types.
public abstract ParameterValues GetData(long[] sampleTimestamps, SampleModeType withSampleMode, bool linearInterpolation = false, ParameterValuesTemplate template = null)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64[] | sampleTimestamps | The timestamps requested |
SampleModeType | withSampleMode | The SampleModeType which can be used. These are Minimum, Maximum, Mean and First. This is defaulted to Mean. These can be specified as flags to get more than one type |
System.Boolean | linearInterpolation | This option only really matters when you are requesting data at a higher frequency than it was collected. |
MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValuesTemplate | template | Optional template to be populated with samples. This can be used if the client wants to manage the memory to perform it's own memory management/buffering. The use of this is discouraged as the SQL Race memory pooling means it is more efficient in the large object heap and reduces fragmentation. When specifing a template you should follow these rules:
Type | Description |
MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValues | Returns a MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValues object containing the resulting data |
On completion of this call, the CurrentTime will be set to the end of the returned data
The most simple call to this method, provides just the timestamps. This call will return the mean samples for the given timestamps
This call will return the first samples for the given timestamps
pda.GetData(timestamps, SampleModeType.First)
This call will return the linearly interpolated mean values for the given timestamps
pda.GetData(timestamps, linearInterpolation: true)
Get minimum and maximum values and populate the given template
pda.GetData(timestamps, SampleModeType.Minimum | SampleModeType.Maximum, interpolate, new ParameterValuesTemplate { DataMin = minimumValues, DataMax = maximumValues, DataStatus = status });
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | This is thrown if the timestamps is an empty array or if the length of the arrays in the template are less than the number of timestamps requested |
System.ArgumentNullException | This is thrown if timestamps is set to null or if a template is provided, but it does not contain the array definitions it need for the given SampleModeType(s). You need to follow the template definition rules documented. |
GetDataStatistics(Int64, Int64, Boolean, StatisticOption, IParameterDataStatistics)
Returns the statistical values requested with statistic option flag(s) for a time range of data.
It takes a show you workings
approach. For example when you specify StandardDeviation it will include the sum of values and mean in the result.
Any samples that have a NaN value are skipped.
public abstract IParameterDataStatistics GetDataStatistics(long startTimeStamp, long duration, bool weightStatistics = false, StatisticOption statisticOption, IParameterDataStatistics statisticsResult = null)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | startTimeStamp | Start time of data range in nanoseconds. This number is inclusive so will include the sample at this given timestamp |
System.Int64 | duration | Length of data range in nanoseconds. This duration is exclusive, it will ignore any sample at the end of the sample range (startTimeStamp + duration) |
System.Boolean | weightStatistics | Weight statistics flag, this is defaulted to false. If this is set to true then the mean, absolute mean and standard deviation calculations are weighted against the sample interval |
StatisticOption | statisticOption | The statistic to be retrieved. This is defaulted to None which will only return start/end values. This is a flag field so mutiple types of statistics can be requested in one call. |
IParameterDataStatistics | statisticsResult | Optional base statistics result |
Type | Description |
IParameterDataStatistics | Returns a IParameterDataStatistics object containing the results for the requested statistic options. Depending on the statistic options depends which fields will be populated:
If data is requested data is either before or after samples are available then a zero numberOfSamples will be returned.
Get the minimum value for the given time range
var result = this.pda.GetDataStatistics(
Get the Max, Min and Mean for a given time range
StatisticOption.Max | StatisticOption.Min | StatisticOption.Mean,
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | Thrown if the |
Returns the end time of the parameters data.
public abstract Nullable<long> GetEndTime()
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<System.Int64> | The end time. |
GetLapStatistics(Lap, Boolean, StatisticOption, IParameterDataStatistics)
Returns the statistical values for the requested lap with statistic option flag(s) for lap time range of data. The calculated statistics will be cached for improved performance.
It takes a show you workings
approach. For example when you specify StandardDeviation it will include the sum of values and mean in the result.
Any samples that have a NaN value are skipped.
public abstract IParameterDataStatistics GetLapStatistics(Lap lap, bool weightStatistics = false, StatisticOption statisticOption, IParameterDataStatistics statisticsResult = null)
Type | Name | Description |
Lap | lap | The Lap to get statistics for. |
System.Boolean | weightStatistics | Weight statistics flag, this is defaulted to false. If this is set to true then the mean, absolute mean and standard deviation calculations are weighted |
StatisticOption | statisticOption | The statistic to be retrieved. This is defaulted to None which will only return start/end values. This is a flag field so mutiple types of statistics can be requested in one call. |
IParameterDataStatistics | statisticsResult | Optional base statistics result |
Type | Description |
IParameterDataStatistics | Returns a IParameterDataStatistics object containing the results for the requested statistic options. Depending on the statistic options depends which fields will be populated:
If data is requested data is either before or after samples are available then a zero numberOfSamples will be returned.
Get the minimum value for the given lap
var result = this.pda.GetLapStatistics(
Get the Max, Min and Mean for a given lap
StatisticOption.Max | StatisticOption.Min | StatisticOption.Mean,
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | Thrown if the laps start is less than zero or if the start time is after the end time |
System.ArgumentNullException | Thrown if the lap is null or if the lap does not have an end time |
Returns the maximum frequency in Hz.
public abstract double GetMaximumFrequency()
Type | Description |
System.Double | The maximum frequency. |
If zero, then the frequency could not be determined.
Returns the maximum sample rate available from the channels within the underlying Parameter associated with the PDA.
public abstract Nullable<long> GetMaximumSampleRate()
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<System.Int64> | The maximum sample rate. |
This time returned is in nanoseconds.
Returns the minimum frequency in Hz.
public abstract double GetMinimumFrequency()
Type | Description |
System.Double | The minimum frequency. |
If zero, then the frequency could not be determined.
GetMinimumSampleInterval(Int64, Boolean)
Gets the minimum sample interval.
public abstract long GetMinimumSampleInterval(long sampleTime, bool useSubSampledChannels)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | sampleTime | The sample time. |
System.Boolean | useSubSampledChannels | if set to |
Type | Description |
System.Int64 |
GetNextData(Int32, SampleModeType, Boolean, ParameterValuesTemplate)
Gets the next sampled data values and MAT.OCS.Core.DataStatusType based on the number of samples requested and the PDA's current position.
public abstract ParameterValues GetNextData(int numberOfSamples, SampleModeType withSampleMode, bool linearInterpolation = false, ParameterValuesTemplate template = null)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | numberOfSamples | Number of samples to retrieve. |
SampleModeType | withSampleMode | The SampleModeType which can be used. These are Minimum, Maximum, Mean and First. This is defaulted to Mean. These can be specified as flags to get more than one type |
System.Boolean | linearInterpolation | This option only really matters when you are requesting data at a higher frequency than it was collected. |
MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValuesTemplate | template | Optional template to be populated with samples. This can be used if the client wants to manage the memory to perform it's own memory management/buffering. The use of this is discouraged as the SQL Race memory pooling means it is more efficient in the large object heap and reduces fragmentation. When specifing a template you should follow these rules:
Type | Description |
MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValues | Returns a MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValues object containing the resulting data |
On completion of this call, the CurrentTime will be set to the end of the returned data
This example is the most simple call to the method. It fetches the mean samples which are not linearly interpolated.
var parameterValues = this.sourcePda.GetNextData(numberOfSamples);
This example gets the next mean, minimum and maximum samples which are linearly interpolated
var parameterValues = this.sourcePda.GetNextData(numberOfSamples, SampleModeType.Minimum | SampleModeType.Maximum | SampleModeType.Mean, true);
Using the template to populate arrays in the client. This is particularly useful if you want to reuse the same array for multiple calls to perform buffering or object reuse.
var data = new double[numberOfSamples];
var status = new DataStatusType[numberOfSamples];
parameterDataAccess.GetNextData(numberOfSamples, template: new ParameterValuesTemplate { Data = data, DataStatus = status});
If using the template and specifing different sample types, you need to ensure that you have defined the correct arrays in the template to be populated
parameterDataAccess.GetNextData(numberOfSamples, SampleModeType.Minimum | SampleModeType.Maximum,
template: new ParameterValuesTemplate { DataMin = minimumValues, DataMax = maximumValues, DataStatus = dataStatusTypes});
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | This is thrown if number of samples requested is less than 1 or if the length of the arrays in the template are less than the number of samples requested |
System.ArgumentNullException | This is thrown if a template is provided, but it does not contain the array definitions it need for the given SampleModeType(s). You need to follow the template definition rules documented. |
GetNextSamples(Int32, StepDirection, ParameterValuesTemplate)
Returns the next raw data samples, their MAT.OCS.Core.DataStatusType and time based on the number of samples requested.
public abstract ParameterValues GetNextSamples(int numberOfSamples, StepDirection direction, ParameterValuesTemplate template = null)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | numberOfSamples | Number of samples to retrieve. This has to be larger than 0. |
StepDirection | direction | Set this to Reverse if you want to read the previous samples (read backwards) |
MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValuesTemplate | template | Optional template to be populated with samples. This can be used if the client wants to manage the memory to perform it's own memory management/buffering. The use of this is discouraged as the SQL Race memory pooling means it is more efficient in the large object heap and reduces fragmentation. When specifing a template you should follow these rules:
Type | Description |
MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValues | Returns a MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValues object with the Data, Timestamp and DataStatus arrays populated with the results.
Use the ParameterValues.SampleCount field to determine how much data to read out of the array. If there are no samples then SampleCount will be 0. |
On completion of this call, the CurrentTime will be set to the end of the returned data
Example of usage and then iterating over the results using the SampleCount field not the array size.
var pdaSamples = this.pda.GetNextSamples(noOfSamples);
for (var i = 0; i < pdaSamples.SampleCount; i++)
if(pdaSamples.DataStatus[i] != DataStatusType.Missing)
var data = pdaSamples.Data[i];
var timestamp = pdaSamples.Timestamp[i]
//Do something with data
This is the same code example, but called using a template.
var pdaSamples = this.pda.GetNextSamples(noOfSamples, template: new ParameterValuesTemplate
Data =,
DataStatus = this.dataStatus,
Timestamp = this.timeStamps
for (var i = 0; i < pdaSamples.SampleCount; i++)
if(this.dataStatus[i] != DataStatusType.Missing)
var data =[i];
var timestamp = this.timeStamps[i]
//Do something with data
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentNullException | Thrown if a template is provided without Data, DataStatus or Timestamp arrays |
System.ArgumentException | Thrown if; template arrays are too short, the smallest array is less than the number of samples in length or the number of samples is less than 1 |
GetSamplesBetween(Int64, Int64, Int32)
Gets a number of raw data samples, timestamps and MAT.OCS.Core.DataStatusType based on the time range between the current position to the end sample time and sample size cap requested.
If the start time is after the end time it will read the data backwards in reverse. The CurrentTime is not updated by this call.
public abstract ParameterValues GetSamplesBetween(long startTimeStamp, long endTimeStamp, int sampleSizeCap = 10000)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | startTimeStamp | The start time stamp for the range to be read. If this is larger than the end time then the data will be read in reverse. |
System.Int64 | endTimeStamp | The end time stamp for the range to be read. If this is smaller than the start time then the data will be read in reverse. |
System.Int32 | sampleSizeCap | The maximum number of samples to return, this is defaulted to 10000. If the cap is exceeded it will return the first X number of samples. This is a useful protection in case you query for high resolution data over an extended time. |
Type | Description |
MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValues | Returns a MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValues object with the Data, Timestamp and DataStatus arrays populated with the results.
Use the ParameterValues.SampleCount field to determine how much data to read out of the array. If there are no samples then SampleCount will be 0. |
If start and end time are equal then the sample for that timestamp is returned
Example of usage and then iterating over the results using the SampleCount field not the array size.
var pdaSamples = this.pda.GetSamplesBetween(startTime, endTime, maxSampleCountForPdaCall);
for (var i = 0; i < pdaSamples.SampleCount; i++)
if(pdaSamples.DataStatus[i] != DataStatusType.Missing)
var data = pdaSamples.Data[i];
var timestamp = pdaSamples.Timestamp[i]
//Do something with data
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | This is thrown if start or end time are minus numbers |
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | This is thrown if the sampleSizeCap is less than 1 |
GetSamplesCount(Int64, Int64)
Returns the numbers of samples between a specified start and end time.
public abstract long GetSamplesCount(long startTimeStamp, long endTimeStamp)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | startTimeStamp | Start time stamp of the data. |
System.Int64 | endTimeStamp | End time stamp of the data. |
Type | Description |
System.Int64 | Number of samples between the start and end time, or zero if not samples found. |
GetSamplesCountEstimate(Int64, Int64)
Returns the theoretical sample count between a specified start and end time based on the highest frequency channel for this PDA's Parameter. If the return value is zero means that was impossible to calculate the sample count, or this PDA is created on a SlowRow parameter
public abstract long GetSamplesCountEstimate(long startTimeStamp, long endTimeStamp)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | startTimeStamp | Start time stamp of the data. |
System.Int64 | endTimeStamp | End time stamp of the data. |
Type | Description |
System.Int64 | Theoretical sample count between the start and end time, or zero if it was impossible to calculate, or this PDA is created on a SlowRow parameter. |
GetSamplesUntil(Int64, Int32)
Returns a number of raw data samples between the current position to the end sample time. If the endtime is after the CurrentTime then the position will be updated to be the last timestamp + 1.
If the endtime is before the CurrentTime then the position will be updated to be the last timestamp - 1 and the data will be read in reverse. If there are no samples then the PDA position is not updated.
public abstract ParameterValues GetSamplesUntil(long endTimeStamp, int sampleSizeCap = 10000)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | endTimeStamp | The end time stamp. If this is before the PDA current time then it will read backwards to that point. |
System.Int32 | sampleSizeCap | This is a cap on the amount of samples which will be returned. This is defaulted to 10,000. This is a useful protection in case you query for high resolution data over and extended time. If the cap is exceeded it will return the first X number of samples.. This can be overriden if required |
Type | Description |
MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValues | Returns a MAT.OCS.Core.ParameterValues object with the Data, Timestamp and DataStatus arrays populated with the results.
Use the ParameterValues.SampleCount field to determine how much data to read out of the array. If there are no samples then SampleCount will be 0. |
If current time and end time are equal then the sample for that timestamp is returned
Example of usage and then iterating over the results using the SampleCount field not the array size.
var pdaSamples = this.pda.GetSamplesUntil(endTime);
for (var i = 0; i < pdaSamples.SampleCount; i++)
if(pdaSamples.DataStatus[i] != DataStatusType.Missing)
var data = pdaSamples.Data[i];
var timestamp = pdaSamples.Timestamp[i]
//Do something with data
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException | Thrown if sampleSizeCap is less than 1 |
System.ArgumentException | Is thrown if endtime equals the PDa current position or in less than 0 |
Returns the start time for the parameters data.
public abstract Nullable<long> GetStartTime()
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<System.Int64> | The start time. |
Gets the time range for the PDA.
public abstract Nullable<TimeRange> GetTimeRange()
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<TimeRange> | Returns time range or null if there is no data. |
Positions the ParameterDataAccess object to a specific position (i.e. when the X Axis is not Time) within the parameter's data. This value can be used to set the start point for GetNextData calls.
public virtual void GoTo(double position)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Double | position | Required position. |
Positions the ParameterDataAccess object to a specific time within the parameter's data. This value can be used to set the start point for GetNextData calls.
public virtual void GoTo(long time)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | time | Required time location in nano-seconds. |
Guards against invocation when invalid
protected void GuardAgainstInvocationWhenInvalidated()
Type | Condition |
System.InvalidOperationException | PDA has been invalidated |
Called when [invalidated].
protected virtual void OnInvalidated()
Search(Int64, Int64, MatchingRule, Double, Nullable<Double>, Nullable<Int32>)
Search PDA for all occurances of a data value
public abstract IList<QuerySample> Search(long startAt, long endAt, MatchingRule rule, double value, Nullable<double> upperValue, Nullable<int> timespan)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | startAt | Seach Start Position |
System.Int64 | endAt | Search End Position |
MatchingRule | rule | Comparison operator |
System.Double | value | Value to Search For |
System.Nullable<System.Double> | upperValue | Upper Value - used when using the Between Operator |
System.Nullable<System.Int32> | timespan | Period of time the condition must be met for |
Type | Description |
System.Collections.Generic.IList<QuerySample> | Matching samples |
Search(Int64, Int64, MatchingRule, String, Nullable<Int32>)
Search PDA for all occurances of a data value
public abstract IList<QuerySample> Search(long startAt, long endAt, MatchingRule rule, string value, Nullable<int> timespan)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | startAt | Seach Start Position |
System.Int64 | endAt | Search End Position |
MatchingRule | rule | Comparison operator |
System.String | value | Value to Search For |
System.Nullable<System.Int32> | timespan | Period of time the condition must be met for |
Type | Description |
System.Collections.Generic.IList<QuerySample> | Matching samples |
Sets the mapper for the PDA.
public abstract void SetMapper(string mapper)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | mapper | The name of the mapper. |
Sets the current sample increment for the PDA, when the X Axis is not Time
public virtual void SetSampleIncrement(double increment)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Double | increment | The required sample increment. |
Sets the current sample increment for the PDA, in nanoseconds (supersedes SampleTime). This value will only affect requests to get data (using the GetNextData method ) and will not affect calls to get samples (using the GetSamples/GetNextSamples/GetPreviousSamples/GetSamplesUntil methods).
public virtual void SetSampleIncrement(long increment)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | increment | The required sample increment |
This time is the interval between data samples. For example: 1,000,000 ns = 1000Hz 10,000,000 ns = 100Hz 100,000,000 ns = 10Hz 1,000,000,000 ns = 1Hz If this value is not set then the default sample time is 100Hz (10,000,000 ns).
ValidateArguments<T, TU>(Int32, T[], TU[])
Validates the arguments.
protected void ValidateArguments<T, TU>(int numberOfSamples, T[] first, TU[] second)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | numberOfSamples | The number of samples. |
T[] | first | The first. |
TU[] | second | The second. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Array type 1. |
TU | Array type 2. |
ValidateArguments<T, TU, TV>(Int32, T[], TU[], TV[])
Validates the arguments.
protected void ValidateArguments<T, TU, TV>(int numberOfSamples, T[] first, TU[] second, TV[] third)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | numberOfSamples | The number of samples. |
T[] | first | The first. |
TU[] | second | The second. |
TV[] | third | The third. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Array type 1. |
TU | Array type 2. |
TV | Array type 3. |
Validates the sample time.
protected void ValidateSampleTime()
ValidateStartAndEndTime(Int64, Int64)
Validates the start and end time.
protected static void ValidateStartAndEndTime(long endTimeStamp, long startTimeStamp)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int64 | endTimeStamp | The end time stamp. |
System.Int64 | startTimeStamp | The start time stamp. |
Check that the client has positioned this object to a start position.
protected long ValidateStartPositionOfPda()
Type | Description |
System.Int64 | Returns current position. |
Occurs when this PDA has been invalidated.
public abstract event EventHandler Invalidated
Event Type
Type | Description |
System.EventHandler |
Occurs when the underlying data source has been changed. This event will be raised if the source data context of this PDA changes - any previously-requested data is invalid.
public abstract event EventHandler UnderlyingDataSourceChanged
Event Type
Type | Description |
System.EventHandler |